This Article will show you how to import a list from Flag-Trader’s TradeFinder directly into the TC2000 charting software package, where you can then view the charts super fast.
This helps you to become more discerning because you’re being more efficient. TC2000 is very reasonable – you only really need the end-of-day data package – and if you’re serious about trading, it’s something you should get.
This is an updated version where you no longer need to resave the file within Excel. Simply export the list from TradeFinder then import from Telechart.
Here’s a step by step guide:
1. Export the list of results by clicking the Telechart button as shown in the screenshot below:
2. Ensure you move or save the file into an easily accessible location like the C:/ drive as shown below:
3. Create a new WatchList in TeleChart
4. Give the WatchList a name then ensure you select the “Import from a file” option
5. In the next window select the location where the list was saved or moved to. In the case of this example it’s in the C: drive. Once you’ve clicked onto the drive the list of files are displayed below. Simply click on the TradeFinder.txt file and the list of stocks should show up on the right hand side. Finish off by clicking the Import button
6. Your Telechart should now look something like the screenshot below with the list of Flag trades showing on the left hand side
That’s it! Happy Trading