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Pre and Post Earnings Shaping Up Well

A decent week of pre and post earnings action, as suggested in last week’s review.  The only thing missing is the larger counts for one and two month trends, but it’s certainly looking much more tradeable than it was say four weeks ago.

This is the advantage of focusing on my methods, so you can know when conditions are optimal or not.

I mentioned last week:

“… this earnings is looking good already, with several good winners secured and plenty more to come.”
We’ve been patient during the late summer months … Now we’re back in play!

And that is certainly the case, so stay focused on my earnings strategies and you’ll be surprised at how easy it is.

While on the subject of my strategies, I’ll be unveiling a host of new filters and tools at my OVI Traders Workshop on 30th November, which is filling up as it always does.

But this year is different due to the new generation of tools that attendees (live or remote) will be receiving.  I’ll be previewing some of them before the event, but I can safely confirm that they are huge game changers.

And then there’s the new wave of automation that I’ll also be releasing for workshop attendees after we launch the professional models in early January.

More details – and homework assignments! – as we get closer to the event, so keep your eyes on my emails.