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Market Consolidates

The markets took some time off today and I’m not expecting too many hijinks in the last half-hour. 

This is just a quick email to say have a great weekend, and let’s look forward to next week. 

I also want to say thank you to a few folks who’ve written in to say how well they’ve done with stocks breaking out recently and using the OVI-Breakout combination. 

One guy who wrote to me in despair, about to give up trading forever having traded other methods has had his first five trades all be positive.  Now it’s a question of patience and waiting for the market to go on a run for those windfall profits.  We don’t know when that might happen, but we do know that it will. 

If you want to attend my seminar on 10th December to learn about all this, I’ll be writing with more details on Monday. 

All the best and see you on Monday! 
