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I Love My VIP!

Monday saw the unexpected game-changing news from Pfizer about their new vaccine that is 90% effective.

It’s now a race to get everything back to normality and see who is left standing.

The markets obviously reacted with glee, with thousands of stocks benefiting from that news.

Which brings me to my VIP TradeFinder … what a godsend!  This has enabled me to identify optimal setups in literally a matter of seconds like never before.

And there’s so much more to follow … both in our stocks and options areas.  Our innovations are coming thick and fast in both the quant side and the user-friendliness, convenience, time-saving side.

The focus right now is on those Big Money Footprints, preferably alongside a compelling low risk setup.

Chubb (CB) has been such an example over the last couple of weeks, because it also came with the “shrinking retracements” behaviour that suggests that sellers were being overwhelmed by buyers.

When you combine the Big Money Footprints with the shrinking retracements AND a current consolidation, then you have a compelling setup.  In Chubb’s case it was also a classic post-earnings setup.

And “compelling” is really the important word here.  Trade compelling setups where you can identify who’s winning the battle – buyers or sellers, bulls or bears.

Anything that is not compelling don’t bother with.  You have to pick your game(s) and specialize in them.

Talking of which, I will have a new “game” for you in the next couple of weeks, so keep alert for an update on that!

And on the subject of updates … the WiseTrader Summit is just three weeks away, and the Foundation warm-up day just two weeks away.  If you haven’t booked yet, click on the banner below my signature and speak with my support team who’ll be happy to help!

This week’s OVI Market Review has plenty of good setups … focus on the best of the best!