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Earnings Is Here – Use Discretion

Last week I mentioned to be picky with your trades, and now we’re hitting earnings, that message becomes even more important as more setups will be appearing.

The market remains “higher risk” but leaning slightly bullish.

In today’s video you’ll see how there are more bullish setups, and that the OVI Sentiment lines are closing together and the market is more amenable than it was, albeit still not nearly as benign as last year.

All this you can see within a few seconds of scanning my OVI Dashboard, and today’s preparation took only around 30-minutes, and that’s with me preparing things for you for educational purposes, not just my own trading.

For some traders, only the best setups will do … others are more “trade-hungry”.  I prefer the first, but everyone is an individual, and the beauty of the OVI Way is that it can accommodate individual preferences even though it is a well-defined and proven system.

Obviously these accommodations must be within reason in order to conform to the overall system!

In today’s OVI Market Update I go through various stocks in preparation for earnings that starts in earnest tomorrow (Monday).